Seniors 2025
Senior Home Page
Welcome Class of 2025!
In order to keep you further updated on ALL things TCHS Senior we are excited to have you visit the Senior Page. Please refer to the menu for all things Senior Class. If you do not see it here, that is okay! We are actively working in the background to ensure that information is properly prepared for you when we are ready to hand it out. Check back here regularly for dates, forms, and other amazing things.
If you have not already, join the Canvas Page for the Class of 2025.
As always, we are here to help you the best that we can and our goal is to make your senior year as lovely and memorable as possible!
Let's do it guys!
Kathryn Lange - Senior Sponsor
Alyson Spencer - Senior Sponsor
Sarah Willis - Senior AP
Canvas Page
Sunrise and Paint
Your first two senior events are right around the corner!
Senior Sunrise and Senior paint will be held on Saturday August 3rd.
Start your senior year with your friend and classmates at Sunrise on the football field beginning at 6:15 am.
You can pre-order shirts for $15 on the district's webstore through July 21st.
If you have not already ordered a Sunrise shirt you can do so here. Extra shirts can be purchased for $20 cash on the day of sunrise.