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TCHS Nursing

Greetings from the TCHS Clinic and welcome to all new and returning families!

As your school nurses, we look forward to helping your child enjoy a healthy and safe school year. Listed below are some of the health services available to students: 


Keller ISD partners with Cook Children's to offer a Telemedicine and Virtual Medicine Program to families. 

During a telemedicine visit, the campus nurse will use high-definition video and communication techniques to allow your student to be able to see a Cook Children's pediatrician while at school. The physician will perform the assessment in the school nurses's office and decide on a plan of care from there. 

Parents have the ability to listen in or even video conference during the appointment. 

Treatable conditions include: earache, fever, cough and colds, rashes, abrasions and scrapes, cuts and lacerations, headaches, and pinkeye. 

Families interested in taking advantage of this capability must fill out and return the required registration packet to the nurses's office in order for a student to be eligible for the program. To download the packet, visit

Additional copies will also be available in the nurse's office. Please contact our nurses office for any questions or more information on this program. 

Nursing Contacts

Nicole Romero | BSN, RN.  P: 817-744-2320.                            F: 817-744-2321

Tami Finley, LVN 
P: 817-744-2334
F: 817-744-2321

You are always encouraged to share any concerns or problems relevant to your child's health with us. If you have any questions or you would like to meet with us, please do not hesitate to call us at 817-744-2320.