Semester Exam Exemptions
2023 - 2024 Semester Exam Exemption Regulation
Middle School and High School students who meet grade and behavior requirements are eligible for semester exam exemption. Students must meet all of the following criteria in order to be exempt from the semester exam:
- Have an 85 average in the course.
- Have no ISS, OSS, or DAEP assigned days.
Middle School (Grades 7 - 8)
- No more than 3 unexcused absences per High School Level Course
- Students must be present for the period they are exempt from the exam. Failure to attend the period (unless absent due to an excused absence), for which a student is exempt from the exam, will result in a zero for the exam grade.
- To be eligible for exemptions, students must be present (unless absent due to an excused absence) for the full day of school during exam week.
High School (Grades 9 - 12)
- No more than 3 unexcused absences in 2nd - 7th Period Classes
- No more than 4 unexcused absences in 1st & 8th Period Classes
- Students must be present for the period they are exempt from the exam. Failure to attend the period (unless absent due to an excused absence), for which a student is exempt from the exam, will result in a zero for the exam grade.
- To be eligible for exemptions, students must be present (unless absent due to an excused absence) for the full day of school during exam week.
The following absences qualify as unexcused absences:
- ABS (Absence)
- PRN (Parent Note)
- TRU (Truant)
Courses not eligible for exemption:
- Courses that require a capstone assessment, project, portfolio, performance, or performance evaluation as a final.
- Dual Credit Courses
CTE Courses: Industry based certification tests may be used in CTE courses to substitute the final exam.
Notification of eligibility for exemptions: Teachers will notify students of their exemption status the class period prior to the exam date. Teachers will notify students of their exemption eligibility.
Note: Students who are exempt and choose to take the final exam will not be penalized for any final exam grade that will lower their semester average. Please direct all questions regarding this administrative regulation to the building principal.